Overwhelmed by Data? You’re Not Alone

SAP NS2 |  October 2019

For analysts in today’s data-rich environments, it’s humbling to think about where things were just a few years ago. Think of the number of data sources available for analytics in almost any business vertical. Data is overwhelming analysts, exceeding the capacity of scaled-up server architecture and desktop applications. The enhancements available to analysts compound this data overload even more. We collect googles of gigs daily, stored and categorized into hundreds of millions of records per minute. As a result, the ability to derive insights from vast data holdings is increasingly overloaded by the sheer variety and volume of data. Where and when will it end?

Patchwork of Good Ideas

As different organizations dealt with the issue to suit their own needs, companies deployed a wide range of solutions to stay in the game. Data management, data access, and file integrity were a few of the areas getting the attention needed to meet expanding IT demand. While these disparate solutions were working, they weren’t always playing well together. An optimal solution would handle the widening variety of data and their application in a simple, unified, and easy-to-orchestrate manner. It is an essential step in the evolution of data management and enable organizations to unify vital processes:

  • DISCOVER | Work smoothly and reliably within existing network infrastructure to find data.
  • ANALYZE | Compare items, identify trends, correlate patterns, detect anomalies, and create workflows to easily analyze data sets.
  • VISUALIZE | Empower users to sort through and visualize contextual information, decide what they need, and deliver it efficiently.
  • DEPLOY | Enable rapid sub-setting, download and synchronization of large datasets to users at the edge.
  • PROCESS | Crawl, listen, index, enrich and tag data on network file shares, removable media and databases.
  • ACCESS | Access your on-premises data from anywhere with any tool. Open data standards are a way of life, no matter what your tool of choice is.
  • MANAGE | Leverage high-performance computing ecosystem management without the risk of data compromise.

A Unified, Intelligent Platform

Armed with insight and field experience, a new company finally tackled this problem. They introduced the first iterations of a product re-envisioning all aspects of data management: the ATLAS Intelligence Platform. ATLAS is, above all, a modular, high-performance data management and integration suite supporting the most urgent intelligence needs. Most notably, the platform is fast, open, and secure. This enables teams to discover, analyze, visualize and deploy solutions without compromising performance. The ATLAS Intelligent Platform works with many different data types, right out of the box. The various data modules available with ATLAS include support for text, imagery, elevation, and video data formats to start.
An early development goal for the production team was maximizing organizations access to their data. The key was maximizing access independent of which application they wanted to use for analytics or data management tasks. ATLAS provides data managers with a single platform to enable discovery for many users with one platform. It boasts best-in-class performance, focuses on a robust API Layer, and supports a variety of different users in several ways. The endpoints available through the API documentation provide content to the ATLAS Apps. Furthermore, power users can also use Jupyter Notebook, python, or developers simply looking to expose these data within preexisting applications.
The ATLAS development team now develops new processes in the backend with flexible and maximum impact to as many users as possible. The defense community leverages ATLAS to tackle the same persistent, data management challenges that once seemed invincible.


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