SAP NS2 and M Group Design Receive IIDA Technology Advancement Award

SAP NS2 |  August 2020

Our NS2 Innovation Labs team has been working tirelessly these past six months to get Labs up and running. And not only have they completed the space, but it successfully encapsulates our mission to a T: immersive and natural design meets cutting-edge technology and innovation in one gorgeous lab.

We are beyond excited with the finished product, and it seems like other people are as well.

We’re happy to announce that SAP NS2 and NS2 Labs, with the creative guidance of M Group Design, are the recipients of this year’s IIDA Mid-Atlantic Technology Advancement Award for Office Interiors.

The IIDA Mid-Atlantic Premiere Design Awards are very distinguished within the design industry and are judged by a panel of award-winning professional IIDA members from Boston, Chicago, and LA.

The Technology Advancement Award for Office Interiors specifically honors innovation, technology, and aesthetic advancements in interior design.

Recognition of NS2 Labs puts us in great company with the likes of the Health Center at the College of William & Mary, Entercom Communications Headquarters, and the Motion Picture Association—all recipients of awards this year.

But don’t just take the judges word for it. When you have the opportunity to explore NS2 Labs in person (and we hope you will be able to soon), you’ll be able to experience firsthand how truly immersive and open our space is and how much it drives new ways of ideating, collaborating, and developing products at all security levels.

Started in August of 2019 and completed this past January, NS2 Labs provides a complete customer experience while working together across multiple sectors.

Our personal favorite is the Immersive Room, designed to fully engage guests in a shared video and audio experience. Purple Creative Innovations is a company from the Netherlands which specializes in immersive rooms and immersive experiences.

They have built a number of these rooms across the globe including the SAP office in Newtown Square. Purple was responsible for creating the concept, and developing the technology that makes the room’s spherical display come to life.

The room is slated for VIP presentations, technology demos, product trainings, and design thinking sessions.

Now that the project is complete, there are some mixed emotions from our team here at NS2. “I feel a combination of excitement and frustration now that the project is complete,” says Kyle Rice, CTO of NS2. “We have such a fantastic space for innovation and collaboration. We just need to get back to a state where we can use it to its potential.”

VP of Innovation at NS2, Peter Zurbach, likens it to “what most of Hollywood and all of us movie lovers are feeling right now, waiting to get into the theater to see the movies we’ve been hearing about. At NS2 Labs, we think of ourselves not only as innovators but also as storytellers. And here we are, with great stories and an amazing theater ready to go but we can’t drop the rope yet. We know the audience is waiting for us, we know that waiting will only add to the excitement, and we can’t wait to welcome everyone in (with popcorn waiting and stellar reviews to follow!).”

SAP NS2 and NS2 Labs want to thank the M Group again for an amazing collaboration on the new space. And if you’re a technology company, a research or academic organization, or a government agency ready to roll up your sleeves and start collaborating, we invite you to join NS2 Labs. We’re 100% ready to go virtually today.

Explore Labs and let’s build the future of government together.


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